Wasiirka Arrimaha Debadda Somaliland oo xadhiga ka jaray dhismaha cusub ee Xafiiska Wakaaladda Qurbajoogga iyo dayactir lagu sameeyay xarunta W/Arrimaha Debadda JSL


Wasiirka Arrimaha Debadda Somaliland oo xadhiga ka jaray dhismaha cusub ee Xafiiska Wakaaladda Qurbajoogga iyo dayactir lagu sameeyay xarunta W/Arrimaha Debadda JSL

Wasiirka Arrimaha Debadda & Iskaashiga Caalamiga ah JSL Dr. Sacad Cali Shire ayaa maanta xadhiga ka jaray dhisme Xafiis cusub oo looga dhisay Wakaaladda Qurbajoogga xarunta Wasaaradda Arrimaha Debadda iyo sidoo kale dayactir iyo qurxin lagu sameeyay barxadda iyo xayndaabka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Debadda ee Hargeysa, Caasimadda JSL.

Xaflad ay usoo abaabushay Wakaaladda Qurbajooggu munaasibada xadhig ka jarista dhismahan cusub ayaa waxa ka soo qaybgalay masuuliyiin doora oo ay ka midyihiin Wasiirka Arrimaha Debadda, Dr. Sacad Cali Shire, Wasiiru-dawlaha Wasaaradda, Mudane Maxamed Mixille Boqorre, Guddoomiyaha Wakaaladda Qurbajoogga, Mudane Cabdi Cabdillaahi Xirsi (Dyaaxweerar), Wasiirka Cadaaladda, Mudane Axmed Faarax Cadarre, Wasiiru-dawlaha Biyaha Mudane Mahdi Cismaan Buuri, Wasiiru-dawlaha Duulista Hawada & Gaadiidka Cirks JSL, Mudane Axmed Nuur Faahiye, Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga UCID, Inj. Faysal Cali Waraabe, Afhayeenka Xisbiga Kulmiye, Mudane Xasan Maxamed Cali (Gaafaadhi), Dr. Edna Aden Ismaaciil, Wasirkii hore ee Arrimaha Debadda, ahna Agaasimaha Dhakhtarka Caanka ah ee Edna, xubin iyo Guddoomiyaha Guddi-hoosaadka Europe ee gudidaas iyo xubno kale oo ka tirsan Gudida Ictiraaf Raadinta heer Qaran, Marwo Sahra Qaadi iyo xubno sare oo ka socday Xisbiga Kulmiye, saraakiil ka socotay Wasaaradaha Maaliyadda, Qorshaynta iyo Ganacsiga, Arrimaha Gudaha, Danjirayaasha Somaliland u qaabilsan wadamada Australia, Yemen iyo China, Guddoomiyaha Gudida Ictiraaf Raadinta Qurbajoogga Somaliland ee dalka UK, Mudane Aden Axmed Yuusuf, (Sawaaxili) iyo kale oo gudidaas ka socda iyo qurbajoogga UK oo weheliyay, hay’ado aan dawli ahayn oo wadani ah kana mid ahaayeen Sonyo, Havayoco iyo Shaqadoon, hay’ado caalami ah iyo kuwa qaramada midoobay oo ay ka mid ahayd hay’adda Socdaalka Adduunka IOM, xildhibaanno ka socday goleyaasha sharci dejinta, aqoonyahan, haween, dhalinyaro iyo waayeel ka socday qurbajoogga Somaliland ee jaalliyadaha wadamo kala duwan oo debadda ah, Europe, North America, Dalalka Carabta, Australia iyo Afrikaba iyo marti sharaf kale oo qaran joog iyo qurbajoogba isugu jiray. Waxa sidoo kale ka soo qaybgalay agaasimayaasha waaxaha iyo xubno doora oo ka mid ah hawlwadeenada Wasaaradda Arrimaha Debadda JSL.

Waxa ugu horayn ka hadlay munaasibada Wasiirka Arrimaha Debadda JSL, Dr. Sacad Cali Shire oo ku tilmaamay qurbajoogga inaanay ahayn dad ajaanib ah balse yihiin dad reer Somaliland ah oo uun duruufo xilliyo kala duwan jiray debadda geeyeen, isla markaana immika iyo muddo dheerba door weyn ka ciyaareen dib u dhiskii dalka, kaalin weyn ku leeyihiin dhaqaalaha wadanka iyo maalgashiga ganacsiga oo khayraad muhiim ah iyo il dhaqaale lagu xisaabtamo u yihiin qaranka Somaliland iyagoo soo dira lacag dhan $400-$500 malyuun oo dollar sannadkii oo ka dhigan kala badh ama ka badan dhaqaalaha soo gala bulshada (House income) gaar ahaan magaalooyinka, isla markaana ay sannad walba dalka yimaadaan 70,000 qurbajoog dhaqaale badan iyo khayraad aqooneedba soo geliya dalka. Wasiirku wuxu tilmaamay in dhismaha xafiiskani qayb ka yahay in loo adeego qurbajoogga tiradaas ah ee dalka yimaada iyo kuwa ka badan ee maqanba.
Dhinaca kale, Wasiirka Arrimaha Debaddu wuxu baaq qayla dhaan ah u diray qurbajoogga Somaliland ee daafaha adduunka ku filiqsan inay laba jibbaaraan dadaalkooda iyo gacanta looga baahanyahay xilligan adage e abaaraha lagu jiro iyo taakulaynta gurmadka abaaraha heer qaran ee lagu badbaadinayo nolosha boqolaal kun oo qoys oo reer Somaliland ah guud ahaan dalka.
Wasiirku wuxu baaq u diray dhammaan qurbajoogga Somaliland inay laba jibbaaraan dadaalkooda iyo gacanta looga baahanyahay inay ka gaystaan abaaraha ka taagan wadanka.

Guddoomiyaha Wakaaladda Qurbajoogga Somaliland ee Wasaaradda Arrimaha Debadda JSL, Mudane Cabdi Cabdillaahi Xirsi (Dayaxweerar) ayaa ka warramay dhibaatada ay lahayd xafiis la’aanta Wakaaladda iyo sidii loo suurtageliyay dhismaha xafiiskan isagoo sheegay in kharash loogu talo galay inuu baabuur ku iibsado oo dhammaa $30,000 uu ka door biday in loogu dhiso xafiiskan oo Wasiirka Maaliyadda JSL, Marwo Samsam Cabdi Aden ka aqbashay inuu isku bedelo kharashkaas, Shirkadda Dhismaha ee Najax-na ka oggolaadeen inay qiimahaas ugu dhisaan Wakaaladda xaruntan oo ka kooban afar xafiis, hool shirar iyo qaybo soo raaca. Guddoomiyuhu wuxu u mahad celiyay Wasiirada Maaliyadda iyo Arrimaha Debadda, Wasiiru-dawlaha Arrimaha Debadda, Wasiir-ku-xigeenka iyo Agaasimaha Guud ee Arrimaha Debadda, Masuuliyiinta Shirkadda Najax iyo dhammaan dhinacyadii si uun uga qaybqaatay fulinta mashruucan iyo wada shaqaynta Wakaaladda Qurbajoogga guud ahaan. Guddoomiye Dayaxweerar wuxu tilmaamay in dhismaha xafiiskani waxweyn ka tarayo hawlqabadka Wakaaladda iyo u adeeggidda dadka qurbajoogga ah debad iyo gudaba.

Waxa kale oo ka hadlay munaasibada Wasiiru-dawlaha Wasaaradda Arrimaha Debadda JSL, Mudane Maxamed Mixille Boqorre, Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga UCID, Inj. Faysal Cali Waraabe, Dr. Edna Aden Ismaaciil, Wasiiru-dawlaha Khayraadka Biyaha JSL, Mudane Mahdi Cismaan Buuri, Afhayeenka Xisbiga Kulmiye, Mudane Xasan Maxamed Cali (Gaafaadhi), Agaasimaha Fulinta Wakaaladda Qurbajoogga, Mudane Xasan Axmed Yuusuf, xubno ku hadlay afka qurbajoogga oo uu ugu horreeyay Mudane Cabdi Cabdillaahi Aden oo ka tirsan qurbajoogga firfircoon ee jaalliyadda Somaliland ee magaalada Toronto, dalka Canada waxanu bogaadiyay dardargelinta hawlaha xagga xidhiidhka jaalliyadaha iyo dib u habaynta ballaadhan ee lagu sameeyay Wakaaladda ee ku timi doorka Wasiirka Arrimaha Debadda iyo Guddoomiyaha Wakaaladda Qurbajoogga.
Gebogebadii xafladda, waxa shahaado sharafyo lagu guddoonsiiyay Wasiirka Arrimaha Debadda, Guddoomiyaha Wakaaladda Qurbajoogga, Shirkadda Dhismaha fulisay ee Najax iyo Wasiirka Maaliyadda JSL, Marwo Samsam Cabdi Aden oo madasha ku sugnayn balse uu u guddoomay Wasiirka Cadaaladda JSL, Mudane Axmed Faarax Cadarre.

Waxa sidoo kale xusid mudan Wakaaladda Qurbajooggu u qaybisay ka soo qaybgalayaashii xafladda qoraal daabacan oo koobaya waxqabadkii Wakaaladda ee sannadkii tegay, soona bandhigaya wixii caqabado jiray, talooyinkii qurbajoogga laga soo ururiyay qodobo ka mid ah iyo talo bixinta Wakaaladda ee qorshaha hawlgalka cusub 2017.

Wakaaladda Qurbajooggu waxay u mahad celinaysaa dhammaan ka soo qaybgalayaashii sharafta lahaa ee soo ajiibay martiqaadkii loo fidiyay ee ka soo qaybgalka munaasibadan inta halkan lagu magacaabay iyo inta ka badan ee aan magacyadooda la xusin ba ee qurbajoog, qaran joog, masuuliyiin iyo shacabba lahaa. Waxa kale oo aannu u mahadcelinaynaa dhammaan hawlwadeenadaii warbaahinta ee nagala soo qaybgalay xafladda iyo kuwa badan ee warkan baahin doonaba Insha Allah.
Xisbiga Mucaaradka ah ee Wadani ayaan isagu ka soo qaybgalin xafladan inkastoo Wakaaladda Qurbajooggu u gudbisay tiro is le’eg martiqaadyada dhammaan asxaabta qaranka.

Somaliland MOFA Minister Cuts the Ribbon to Officially Open the Newly Constructed Office for Somaliland Diaspora Agency
The Somaliland Diaspora Agency (SLDA) under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation of the Republic of Somaliland held highly organized opening ceremony for a newly constructed office as the Agency Headquarter inside the Ministry compound in Hargeisa.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation, Dr. Saad Ali Shire who cut the ribbon for the official opening of the new office for Somaliland Diaspora Agency plus other improvements made in the landscape of the Ministry compound. Minister Shire pointed out the vital role of Somalilanders abroad and that they have for a long time remained resourceful contribution to the country’s rebuilding, reinstating, investing and economic development of the country; and that they should not be regarded as foreigners but as the citizens of Somaliland who only for certain circumstances immigrated to abroad and still connected to their homeland. “When it is said “Diaspora” we don’t mean foreigners but they are Somalilanders who only as circumstances we met, went abroad but remaining crucial resource to us. The Diaspora remits back home between $400-$500 million a year and more which even exceeds the income we receive from the livestock export and which constitutes over 50% of the household income particularly in the urban areas. About 70,000 people from the Diaspora come home each year and spend more during their stay. We have built this office to serve those 70,000 Diaspora and the more abroad,” said Dr. Saad Ali Shire, Minister of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation.

On the other hand, the Minister took the opportunity to call Somalilanders abroad to actively and generously contribute to the Relief Campaign for the suffering drought affected population and the efforts to alleviate the difficulties and hardship of the current droughts in Somaliland.
Chairman of Somaliland Diaspora Agency, Mr. Abdi Abdullahi Hersi (Dayaxweerar) firstly thanking the disguised officials and guests attending the ceremony explained the stages construction of the new office had undergone the challenges himself and his colleagues suffered in the absence of adequate office space, and how it finally became possible for the Diaspora Agency to ensure construction of the building. “We have constructed this office with $30,000 the Ministry of Finance allocated to us for purchasing a car in the budget year 2016, but I thought to transfer it to build this office and the Minister of Finance accepted our suggested transfer. It took us a while to implement it as the drought-resulted deduction of the budget in 25% and suspension of the purchases of vehicles and construction works by the Ministry of Finance. However, we asked for Najax Construction Company to build this office for the Agency with $30,000, and they too accepted to implement it with is amount and supplement from their side,” said Abdi Abdullahi Hersi, Chairman of Somaliland Diaspora Agency.

The other key speakers in the ceremony included State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mohamed Mihille Boqorre, Chairman of UCID Political Party and who is at the same time member and chairman of the Somalis Territories Affairs Sub-committee of the National Recognition Committee,, Eng. Faisal Ali Warabe, State Minister of Water Resources, Mr. Mahdi Osman Buuri, Ex-minister of Foreign Affairs and member and chairperson of Europe Sub-committee of the National Recognition Committee, and at the same time Director of Edna Aden Hospital, Dr. Edna Aden Ismail, Spokesperson of Kulmiye Political Party, Mr. Hassan Mohamed (Gaafaadhi), Mr. Abdi Abdillahi Aden, an activist from Somaliland Community in Toronto, Canada who spoke behalf of the Somaliland Diaspora abroad and thanked the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Somaliland Diaspora Agency for accelerating efforts in strengthening the Diaspora relations and full reestablishment of the Diaspora Agency Head Office.

All the above speakers and dignitaries appreciated construction of the new building, congratulated Somaliland Diaspora Agency and the Ministry for the opening of the office, emphasized significances and worth of Somaliland Diaspora, their long-lasting contribution to rebuilding, economic, social and political development of the country in general. They also encouraged improving all necessary and services to the Somaliland Diaspora to ensure better engagement and maximize their contribution to the national development aspects.

The other eminent officials from the government, the other national councils and the civil society including several members from Somaliland Diaspora, Minister of Justice, Mr. Ahmed Farah Adarre, State Minister of Aviation & Air Transport, Mr. Ahmed Nur Fahiye, Chairman of Somaliland Diaspora Recognition Committee in UK, Mr. Aden Ahmed Yusuf (Sawalihi) accompanied with other members of that committee, prominent figures from Kulmiye Party including Ms. Sahra Qaadi, Fadumo Abdi Kahin, Director of Human Resource of the Ministry of Health and Nursing, officials from the National Accountant General, the National Auditor General, Director General of the Immigration Department, officials from other different ministries, and public bodies including Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Planning, Ambassadors of Somaliland to Australia, Yemen and China, local nongovernmental organizations including Sonyo, Havayoco and Shaqadoon, INGOs and UN Agencies including IOM, MPs, over 50 members from Somaliland Diaspora communities in different countries abroad, media groups and other honorable guests.
At the closure, to show gratitude and appreciation of their role, Chairman of Somaliland Diaspora Agency, Mr. Abdi Abdullahi Hersi handed honorary and award certificates to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, His Excellency Dr. Saad Ali Shire, Chairman and Deputy Chairman of Najax Construction Company, and one to the Minister of Finance, Her Excellency, Samsam Abdi Aden who was away but the Minister of Justice received on her behalf. On the other, the Chairman of the Diaspora Agency was awarded with an honorary certificate by his Agency team of staff and his colleagues.
It is also noteworthy to mention that the Diaspora Agency distributed printed copies of the Achievement Report for 2016 also including any encountered challenges; suggestions from the Diaspora people and recommendations for the new action plan for 2017 and beyond.
Somaliland Diaspora Agency is greatly thankful to all those illustrious and honorable guests who attended this ceremony – both those mentioned above and the more we have not named in this statement including the members from Somaliland Diaspora, the other nationals, both officials from governmental and nongovernmental institutions as well as the esteemed media groups who attended and all those who will publish. We have invited all the three national political parties in equal number but unfortunately Wadani Party did not show up.

Wakaaladda Qurbajoogga Somaliland
Wasaaradda Arrimaha Debadda & Iskaashiga Caalamiga ah JSL
Hargeysa, Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland
www.sldiasporaagency.org / www.slforeign.com
22nd January, 2017