Madaxweyne Siilaanyo oo khudbad ka jeediyey Maalinta Caalamiga ah ee la Dagaallanka Xanuunka HIV/AIDS-ka +SAWIRO


(1-da December 2015) Maalinta Caalamiga ah ee la Dagaallanka Xanuunka HIV/AIDS-ka

Hargeysa (Warsugannews) Mudanayaal iyo Marwooyin, Sannad kasta Kowda Bisha December, waxa Dunida oo dhan laga xusaa Maalinta La Dagaallanka Xanuunka HIV/AIDS-ka. Sidoo kale, Bulshada Caalamku waxay xog-waraysi iyo wada-tashiba ka yeelataa waxa ka qabsoomay dedaalka loogu jiro la dagaallanka iyo cidhib-tirka xanuunka HIV/AIDS-ka iyo waxa hadhay ee u baahan in si wadajir ah wax looga qabto. Dalkeena Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland wuxuu Bulshada Caalamka kala midaysan yahay la dagaallanka iyo xakamaynta cudurka HIV/AIDS-ka.

Taariikhdu markay ahayd 25/8/2013-kii, waxaan Xafiiska Komishanka Qaranka ee La Dagaalanka Xanuunka HIV/AIDS-ka kaga dhawaaqay siday Madaxweyne ahaan, iiga go’an-tahay la dagaallanka iyo xakamaynta HIV/AIDS-ka. Xukuumaddaydu waxay wakhtigaa yool ka dhigatay in lagu dedaalo sidii xanuunkan loo xakamayn lahaa, si aanu u dhaafin marxaladda uu xilligaa taagnaa, una gaadhin Heerka Labaad ee loo yaqaanno Marxaladda Baahsan.

Mudanayaal iyo Marwooyin,
Maanta oo ah 01-da December, 2015, waxaan jecelahay inaan idinku wargaliyo in ku talo-galkaasi uu fulay, oo xanuunku Waddankeena hoos ugu soo dhacay Marxaladda Koowaad, halkii uu markii hore madaxa la sii galayay Marxaladda Labaad (Marxaladda Baahsan). Labo sanno ka hor heerka uu xanuunkani Dalkeena ka marayey wuxuu ahaa %1.1, halka uu maanta hoos ugu soo dhacay %0.6, taasoo ah horumar aad u weyn oo Qarankani gaadhay, una dhiganta in Xanuunkani uu %54.6 hoos uga dhacay heerkii uu maalintaas taagnaa.

Mudanayaal iyo Marwooyin,

Waxaan idinla socodsiinaya in guud ahaanba Gobollada iyo Degmooyinka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland uu ka muuqdo hoos u dhacaasi. Mahadda Kowaad Ilaahay baa leh, mar labaad, waxaan halkan mahad-naq iyo ammaanba uga soo jeedinayaa guud ahaanba cid kasta oo isku hawshay wax ka qabashada iyo xakamaynta xanuunkan ama wax-tar, iyo teegeero u fidisay dadkeenna la nool xanuunkan. Gaar ahaan waxaan aad ugu mahad-naqayaa Maayarka Degmada Berbera siduu wax ula qabtay Komishanka Qaranka ee La Dagaallaanka HIV/AIDS-ka iyo taageerada uu siiyey dadka xanuunkaa la nool. Waxaan ku boorrinayaa masuuliiyinta kala duwan ee Qaranka inay si hagar la’aan ah uga qayb qaataan dedaalka loogu jiro la dagaallanka iyo xakamaynta xanuunkan, daryeelna ay u fidiyaan dadka xanuunkan la nool.

Fadliga iyo gar-gaarka Rabbi ka sokow, hoos u dhaca cudurka HIV/AIDs-ka ee dalkeenna ka muuqda, wuxuu ku yimid dedaalka Xukuumaddan aan Madaxweynaha ka ahay oo Komishanka Qaranka ee la Dagaalanka HIV/AIDs-ku wakiil uga yahay. Iyadoo hoos u dhacaasi jiro, haddana waa inaan loo qaadan in khatartii xanuunku meesha ka baxday.

Waqtigan xaadirka ah, hiigsiga Bulshada Caalamku waxa weeye in dedaal badan loo galo sidii cudurka HIV/AIDs-ka loo cidhib tiri lahaa sannadka 2030-ka, haddii ALLAH idmo. Haddaba, si loo gaadho yoolkaa Caalamiga ah ee lagu cidhib-tirayo xanuunkan, waxa lagama maarmaan ah:

In %90 dadka xanuunka la nool ee aan iyagu is ogayni ay is ogaadaan.
In %90 dadka xanuunka la nool ee is ogi ay daawada qaataan.
In %90 hoos loo dhigo dadka cusub ee xanuunka qaada sannad kasta.

Mudanayaal iyo Marwooyin,

Anigoo isku xidhaya gar-gaarka ALLAH, isla markaana kaashanaya kuna kalsoon aqoonta, khibradda iyo waayo-aragnimada durugsan ee ku duugan bulshada Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, gudo iyo dibedba, waxaan halkan ka ballan qaadayaa inaan dedaal u sii geli doono cidhib-tirka xanuunkan iyo xakamaynta waxyaalaha uu ka dhashaba.

Ugu dambayntii, waxaan halkan codsi uga dirayaa dhammaanba hay’adaha ku shaqada leh la dagaallanka cudurkan HIV/AIDs-ka inay intii awoodooda ah ee wax la qabasho ah, ay Komishanka Qaranka la Dagaallanka HIV/AIDs-ka ka caawiyaan sidii xanuunka looga cidhib tiri lahaa dalkan Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland.



The Presidential Speech on 1st December 2015:
“The International HIV/Aids Day”

Tuesday 1st December 2015

In the name of God the Most Benevolent, the Most Magnificent

(Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem)

Ladies and Gentlemen;
Every year this day, like any other nation, we come together to commemorate and re-evaluate what we have achieved and what is still pending that we ought to do in the fight against HIV/AIDs. Our nation of Somaliland is in solidarity with the rest of the International Community in the fight against this dangerous communicable disease.

Over two years ago on the 25th of August 2013 at the National HIV/AIDs Commission Headquarters I declared my personal determination as the Head of State in being precisely convicted to the total control of the disease such that its epidemic could not spread fatally any further to a severe degree.

Ladies and Gentlemen; Today, the 1st of December 2015, it is a day that I am very pleased to share with you the news of good tidings as concerns the state of affairs about HIV/AIDs infection rate in our country. The infection rate of HIV/AIDs has obviously dropped in Somaliland from nearly on the edge of the second level to the first degree. Thus, two years ago it was 1.1% and now it has dropped to 0.6 percent, a huge drop that translates to 54.6%. I hereby note that the high drop of the infection especially has been noted and reflected well throughout the whole nation.
Ladies and gentlemen; I take this opportunity to thank particularly and at the same time hail the Mayor of Berbera City Abdishakur Mohamed Hassan and other Mayors and associated administrators who have impressively done a lot of efforts by collaborating quite well with the HIV/AIDs National Commission in the good task of fighting against this dangerous disease. They have given a lot of support to the people living with HIV/AIDs in country-wide. I call upon the general emulation of the efforts and at the same time appeal for the rendering greater of further efforts in this regards of fighting against the disease.
Apart from the efforts of my government through the HIV/AIDs Commission, whose prerogatives I’m specifically charged with as the President of the Republic, it is with God’s blessings that the marked drop in the infection rate has occurred. Despite the fact that news is one of great happiness to be cherished but still there is no room for complacency. We should not be assumed that the threat of the disease has either lessened, (disappeared) or not there at all. This is because there are hundreds of Somalilanders who are HIV carriers whereas they do not know about it.
The way to control this situation is for all of us to screen ourselves voluntarily hence be able to acquire anti-retro-viral drugs if need be before the disease becomes fully blown AIDs.
Ladies and Gentlemen; presently the target that the International Community is focused on is to completely control (rogue out) the HIV/AIDs, if God wills, by 2030. In order for that target to be achieved therefore, it is imperative for us:
1) To have 90% of those carriers who do not know that they are infected with the disease to voluntarily test themselves;
2) To have 90% of those living with the disease to take the appropriate drugs in time; and
3) To bring down by 90% the rate of new infections every year hence drastically reduce the disease.
By reaching this target therefore it is obligatory upon each and everyone in our midst to undergo the test; undergoing the test is free. Thus the screening process (undergoing the test) should be the rallying-cry -“catch-phrase”- until the disease is fully controlled.
Ladies and Gentlemen; I hereby humbly pledge, with God’s help, to continue striving by exerting further efforts in collaboration with all expert Somalilanders within the country and abroad, and all expatriates towards the control of this disease in one hand. On the other hand we should be all vehemently prepared to eradicate the major causes of this disease with root and branch.
On the same note, I appeal to the agencies tasked with this matter (line-agencies) to render any support that they are capable of hence aid the National HIV/Aids Commission in the efforts of completely controlling the disease in the Republic of Somaliland.

Praise be to God
Long Live! The Republic of Somaliland
Released by the Presidential Spokesman:
Hussein Adan Igeh (Hussein Deyr)