Shirka Golaha Wasiirada oo lagu magacaabay Taliyaha Xooga Dalka


Shirka Golaha Wasiirada oo lagu magacaabay Taliyaha Xooga Dalka

Muqdisho(Warsugannews) Golaha Wasiirada Xukuumada Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa maanta isugu yimid kulankoodii joogtada ahaa, waxaana kulankan shir guddoominayay Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumada Mudane Cumar Cabdirashiid Sharmarke, iyadoo looga hadlay qodobo dhowr ah oo ay ka mid yihiin xalaaddaha Amniga iyo hogaan cusub oo uu yeesho ciidanka Xooga dalka.

Wasiirka Gaashaandhigga Mudane C/qaadir Sh. Cali Diini ayaa golaha Wasiirada u soo jeediyay magacaabid taliyaha ciidanka xoogga dalka waxaana dood dheer kadib, goluhu ay isla ogolaadeen magacaabista taliyaha Ciidanka Xooga dalka oo loo magacaabay Janaral Maxamed Aadan Axmad.

Golaha Wasiirada ayaa sidoo kale, soo jeediyay in loo dalacsiiyo Taliyaha cusub ee C.X.D. Mudane Maxamed Aadan Axmad darada Sareeye Gaas, maadama uu yahay shaqsitakhasus weyn u leh howlaha Ciidamada, ugana soobaxay kulliyado kala duwan oo dalka dibeddiisa ah.

Taliyaha cusub ee ciidanka C.X.D Janaral Maxamed Aadan Axmad ayaa waxbrashadiisii ciidanimo ku soo qaatay kulliyadda Ciidanka ee Masar, kulliyada hogaaminta ciidanka ee Ruushka, Muskow, kulliyada dagaalka ee dalka Mareykanka, isaga oo sidoo kalena soo qabtay xilal kala duwan oo ciidamada ah, wuxuuna ahaa Taliye qeybta Baladweyne, Taliyaha qeybta ciidanka 60-naad Baydhabo, taliyaha qeybta 21-naad ee Dhuusamareeb.

Arrintan ayaa qeyb ka ah, dardargelinta, xoojinta iyo tayeynta ciidamada xooga dalka, iyadoo Ra’iisul Wasaare Cumar Cabdirashiidna uu ku ammaanay hogaankii hore ee ciidanka inay heer wanaagsan soo gaarsiiyeen Taliska, loogana fadhiyo hogaankan cusub inuu halkaasi ka sii wado.

Dhanka kale, Hanti dhowraha Qaranka Mudane Dr. Nuur Faarax ayaa Golaha Wasiirada uga warbixiyay howlaha Xafiiska Hanti dhowrka Qaranka, taasoo ku saabsaneyn arrimaha Baarista, hubinta iyo illaalinta Hantida Qaranka, guurto iyo maguurtaba. Waxaana xafiiska Hanti dhowrku uu ka codsaday xukuumada inay ku garab siiso gudashada waajibaadkiisa shaqo, si loo dhowro Hantida Qaranka, looguna dhaqmo si waafaqsan sharciga.

Press release Cabinet meeting: The Appointment of new Army Chief

Mogadishu, September 3, 2015——The weekly Cabinet Meeting of the Somali Federal Government chaired by Prime Minister Omar Sharmarke was held today. Important issues relating to the national security, and the appointment of New Army Chief were discussed and debated.

The Minister of Defense Abdulkhadir Diini presented to the Cabinet Meeting a proposal to appoint a new Chief of Somali Armed Forces. After in depth deliberation the Cabinet unanimously agreed on the new appointment.

General Mohamed Aden Ahmed was appointed as the new Chief of Somali Armed Forces. General has a wealth of experience and formidable background to bring into his new post. A graduate from the Military Academy in Egypt, he also trained in the Command and General Staff from Moscow, and also War College and Strategic Studies in USA. The General previously served in numerous posts in the National Armed Forces . Such as the Commander of the Parachute Commandos Battalion in Ballidoogle. Division Commander respectively in Belet Weyne, Baidoa and Dhusa Mareeb. General Ahmed also has the experience of participating in Joint Forces Exercise with forces from Russia, Egypt and USA.

The Cabinet led by Prime Minister Sharmarke also expressed their appreciation to the outgoing Chief of the Armed Forces Major General Dahir Aden Elmi for his commitment and sound leadership in the Armed Forces during his time. The change in command is part of the government drive to instill new command in the process of integrating and strengthen the National Army.

On the other hand the Cabinet also heard a progress report and plan of intend from the Auditor General of the Federal Government of Somalia Dr. Nuur Farah where it was detailed how the entity plans to fulfill its duties. Dr. Farah in his presentation requested from the Cabinet Ministers to assist his entity to carry out its task.





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